Request Parameters

Field NameDescriptionType
currency*Currency SymbolString
net_type*Currency NetworkString
amount*Withdrawal digital asset QuantityNumber
address*Withdrawal Address registered to a Withdrawable AddressString
secondary_addressSecondary Withdrawal Address (only for required digital assets)String
transaction_typeWithdrawal Type
default : Withdrawal
internal : Lightning Withdrawal
beneficiary_name*Beneficiary NameString
beneficiary_residential_country_code*Beneficiary Country Code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)String
beneficiary_residential_address*Beneficiary Residential AddressString

*Required for all users
*Only required for Upbit Indonesia users


Precautions upon using Lightning Withdrawals

A lightning withdrawal will not be processed properly if it is requested to a non-UPbit member address. Please make a withdrawal after checking the withdrawal address.


Field NameDescriptionType
typeWithdrawal TypeString
uuidUnique ID for WithdrawalString
currencyCurrency SymbolString
net_typeCurrency NetworkString
txidTransaction ID for WithdrawalString
stateWithdrawal StatusString
created_atWithdrawal Generation TimeDateString
done_atWithdrawal Completion TimeDateString
amountWithdrawal AmountNumberString
feeWithdrawal FeeNumberString
sgd_amountSGD Conversion PriceNumberString
transaction_typeWithdrawal TypeString