
Endpoint for private type

For the newly added myOrder and myAsset types, requests must be made to wss://EXCHANGE-REGION-ENDPOINT-URL.com/websocket/v1/private. Please refer to the "General Information" for more details.


The requests is consisted of JSON Object and the response is also JSON Object. Requests are divided into ticket field, type field, and format field, and multiple type fields can be specified in one request. Please refer to Request method and format for ticket field and format field.


Request format

[{Ticket Field},{Type Field},....,{Type Field},{Format Field}]

Type Field

In this field, you have to list the market data you want to receive.

Field Name
typeStringdata type
myAsset: My Asset



For the myAsset type, data is only transmitted when specific events occur.

Therefore, it is normal behavior if no data is received just after the connection. Data will be transmitted when events such as order execution, or deposits/withdrawals.
If you want to maintain the connection regardless of whether you receive data, you can periodically send ping/pong messages to manage it.

Field Name
Simplified Format (format: SIMPLE)
asset_uuidastuidUnique asset IDString
assetsastList of assetsList of Objects
assets.currencyast.cuCurrency symbolString
assets.balanceast.bOrderable Amount/QuantityDouble
asset_timestampasttmsAsset timestampLong
timestamptmsTimestamp (millisecond)Long
stream_typestStream typeStringREALTIME


Notice when using for the first time

When using for the first time, data transmission may not occur for several minutes. Therefore, please be sure to check data reception once during development.

For example, upon first use at 00:00 on April 1, 2024, data can be received from 00:05 even if there are changes in assets. If you reconnect at 00:10, this is not your first use, so you can receive data immediately in case of asset changes.



ex 1. To get all market information (not specify codes field)

*Note: Cannot use codes fields. In this case you will receive WRONG_FORMAT error.

    "ticket": "test-myasset"
    "type": "myAsset"


  "type": "myAsset",
  "asset_uuid": "e635f223-1609-4969-8fb6-4376937baad6",
  "assets": [
      "currency": "SGD",
      "balance": 1386929.37231066771348207123,
      "locked": 10329.670127489597585685
  "asset_timestamp": 1710146517259,
  "timestamp": 1710146517267,
  "stream_type": "REALTIME"