Endpoint for private type
For the newly added
types, requests must be made towss://EXCHANGE-REGION-ENDPOINT-URL.com/websocket/v1/private
. Please refer to the "General Information" for more details.
The requests is consisted of JSON Object and the response is also JSON Object. Requests are divided into ticket field, type field, and format field, and multiple type fields can be specified in one request. Please refer to Request method and format for ticket field and format field.
Request format
[{Ticket Field},{Type Field},....,{Type Field},{Format Field}]
Type Field
In this field, you have to list the market data you want to receive.
Field Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
type | String | data type - myOrder : My Orders | O | |
codes | List | Market code list *Must be requested in capital letters. | X | If you omit it or request an empty array, you will receive data for all markets. |
For the
type, data is only transmitted when specific events occur.Therefore, it is normal behavior if no data is received just after the connection. Data will be transmitted when events such as order placement, execution, or cancellation occur.
If you want to maintain the connection regardless of whether you receive data, you can periodically send ping/pong messages to manage it.
Field Name | Simplified Format (format: SIMPLE) | Description | Type | Value |
type | ty | Type | String | myOrder |
code | cd | Market code (ex. SDG-BTC) | String | |
uuid | uid | Unique Order ID | String | |
ask_bid | ab | Ask/Bid | String | ASK BID |
order_type | ot | Order method | String | limit price market best |
state | s | Order State | String | wait watch trade done cancel |
trade_uuid | tuid | Unique ID of the transaction | String | |
price | p | Order price, Transaction price (when state: trade) | Double | |
avg_price | ap | Average transaction price | Double | |
volume | v | Order volume, Transaction volume (when state: trade) | Double | |
remaining_volume | rv | The amount remaining after the order | Double | |
executed_volume | ev | The amount of the orders made | Double | |
trades_count | tc | The number of transactions in the order | Integer | |
reserved_fee | rsf | Reserved fees | Double | |
remaining_fee | rmf | Remaining fees | Double | |
paid_fee | pf | Used fees | Double | |
locked | l | Fund being used in transactions | Double | |
executed_funds | ef | Executed fund | Double | |
time_in_force | tif | ioc, fok settings | String | ioc fok |
trade_fee | tf | Fee incurred upon the trade (null if not trade type) | Double | |
is_maker | im | Indicates whether the order is a maker or taker for which a match has occurred (null if not trade type) | Boolean | true : Maker orderfalse : Taker order |
identifier | id | User custom value for query *Provided only for orders created after October 18, 2024 | String | |
trade_timestamp | ttms | Transaction timestamp (millisecond) | Long | |
order_timestamp | otms | Order timestamp (millisecond) | Long | |
timestamp | tms | timestamp (millisecond) | Long | |
stream_type | st | Stream type | String | REALTIME |
ex 1. To get all market information (not specify codes
"ticket": "test-myorder"
"type": "myOrder"
ex 2. To get all market information (empty array in codes
"ticket": "test-myorder"
"type": "myOrder",
"codes": []
ex 3. To get specific market information
"ticket": "test-myorder"
"type": "myOrder",
"codes": ["SGD-XRP"]
"type": "myOrder",
"code": "SGD-XRP",
"uuid": "ac2dc2a3-fce9-40a2-a4f6-5987c25c438f",
"ask_bid": "BID",
"order_type": "limit",
"state": "trade",
"trade_uuid": "61314169-fba4-4375-ade3-aff14a656647",
"price": 0.001453,
"avg_price": 0.00145372,
"volume": 30925891.29839369,
"remaining_volume": 29968038.09235948,
"executed_volume": 30925891.29839369,
"trades_count": 1,
"reserved_fee": 44.23943970238218,
"remaining_fee": 21.77177967409916,
"paid_fee": 22.467660028283017,
"locked": 43565.33112787242,
"executed_funds": 44935.32005656603,
"time_in_force": null,
"trade_fee": 22.467660028283017,
"is_maker": true,
"identifier": "test-1",
"trade_timestamp": 1710751590123,
"order_timestamp": 1710751590000,
"timestamp": 1710751597500,
"stream_type": "REALTIME"