Cancel an order and create a new order of the same market, same order side (Bid/Ask)

Request Parameters

prev_order_uuid*UUID of order to cancelString
prev_order_identifier*User custom value for order to cancel

> Either prev_order_uuid or prev_order_identifier must be included.
new_ord_type *New order method

- limit : Limit Order
- price : Market Price Order(Bid)
- market : Market Price Order(Ask)
- best : Best Order type(time_in_force field is required)
new_volume *Order Volume (Required when selling at the limit price or market price)

> Please set this field to remain_only to use the remaining volume of the existing order for the volume of the new order.
> remain_only is supported only for limit, limit IOC/FOK, market sell, and best sell orders.
NumberString or remain_only
new_price *Order Price.

> Required when selling at the limit price or market price
new_identifierUser custom value for new order (Optional)String (Uniq Value)
new_time_in_forceioc, fok order settings for new order
(This field only works when the ord_type is limitor best.)

- ioc : Immediate or Cancel
- fok : Fill or Kill

* Required
* Required under specific conditions


This API only supports the application/json Content-Type format. Please note that requesting with other formats such as query parameters or form-data are not supported.


new_identifier and prev_order_identifier must be different.

The identifier is a key value that is issued directly by the user, not the UUID that is issued by the service. It is used to uniquely identify orders and must be unique for each order. Therefore, when canceling an order and placing a new one, a new identifier is required.

Additionally, if an error occurs during the request, please do not resend the request with the same identifier and generate a new identifier for each request.


Field NameDescriptionType
uuidUnique Order ID for the order to be canceledString
sideOrder Type for the order to be canceledString
ord_typeOrder Method for the order to be canceledString
priceCurrency Price at the Time of Order for the order to be canceledNumberString
stateOrder Status for the order to be canceledString
marketMarket Unique Key for the order to be canceledString
created_atOrder Generation Time for the order to be canceledString
volumeUser Input Order Volume for the order to be canceledNumberString
remaining_volumeRemaining Order Volume after Trade for the order to be canceledNumberString
reserved_feeRatio Reserved as Fees for the order to be canceledNumberString
remaining_feeRemaining Fees for the order to be canceledNumberString
paid_feeUsed Fees for the order to be canceledNumberString
lockedRatio being used in Transactions for the order to be canceledNumberString
executed_volumeTraded Volume for the order to be canceledNumberString
trades_countThe number of Transactions in the order for the order to be canceledInteger
time_in_forceioc, fok order settings for the order to be canceledString
identifierUser customized order ID for the order to be canceled

*Provided only for orders created after October 18, 2024
new_order_uuidExpected UUID of the new order (if succeed)String
new_order_identifierUser customized order ID of the the new order (if succeed)String


New Order

The new order will be placed in the same market as the existing order after the existing order (corresponding to prev_order_uuid or prev_order_identifier) has been completely canceled.

If the new order has been successfully placed, you can query it by new_order_uuid provided in the response or new_identifier specified by the user upon request.

Even if the cancel and new request is successfully submitted, a new order won’t be created if the previous existing order has been fully filled before the cancellation.
