
Additional Trade Data to be Included in MyOrder WebSocket (from May 29th)

Dear Traders,

We are pleased to announce the addition of trade-related information to the MyOrder WebSocket response fields.

[Support for Additional Trade Information in MyOrder WebSocket]

[API Reference] > [WEBSOCKET] > [Real-time data] > [MyOrder]

  • Introduced on April 25th, the WebSocket now provides real-time updates on individual order statuses. The following information will be included in the MyOrder response fields: more information
    • trade_uuid: Unique identifier for the transaction
      trade_timestamp: Timestamp of the transaction (in milliseconds)

[Note of Deprecation]


MyTrade Scheduled to be deprecated

The myTrade will be deprecated on the WebSocket in 6 months. The exact date of deprecation will be announced through another announcement.

We recommend using the new myOrder request instead, which includes all the fields of myTrade and provides more information related to your order.


  • Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

  • Please note that some features may be affected by these changes and may impact the Open API service.

If you have any inquiries, feel free to contact us at [email protected], and we will promptly address your concerns.

Thank you.