[Notice] Changes of Open API

Dear Upbit users,

We would like to inform you that there are some changes of Open API.

Open API changes

This change will be applied from 2022.03.01 (approx.)

[EXCHANGE API changes]

1) Termination of support for authentication method using field query when generating JWT payload

2)Termination of Content-Type support except for application/json

  • Support for body parameters except for the JSON form of the POST API will be terminated.
  • If you use other forms such as unlocked-form, please change them to JSON form.
  • Requests that do not use the GET API and body parameters are not affected.
  • Example
    • Before change: key1=value1&key2=value2
    • After change: {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].
Thank you